Our Free Public WIFI Hotpots- Locations 

We have multiple locations in Nairobi CBD, Kitale and Kakamega Town that are popular and unique, with business and student users monthly and increasing daily. Where users have time to watch video ads, listen and familiarize themselves with your brand, services, and product offerings.

      • NAIROBI CBD —
      • Koja Stage – River Road.
      • Tea Room stage – Accra Road.
      • Odeon stage – Tom Mboya Street.
      • Kenya Nation Archives – Moi Avenue Street.
      • Bank house – Moi Avenue.
      • Afya Centre stage – Hakati Road.
      • Reli House – Amber House/ Hakati Road/ Mfangano street / Buss station Area.
      • Kakamega Market, Kakamega Bus park, Noor plaza, Canon Awori street, Kakamega House holds, Stewa Business Center.
      • KITALE TOWN —
      • One Tanna Building, Kitale Bus park, Matisi Center, Bondeni Market, Kipsongo Center.

Find out about our services, call us at +254 746 945 894 or Email  info@uppercutafrica.com

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